U.S. National Championship – National Results
We would like to thank all the racers who participated in the 2020 U.S. National Championship Presented by Nick Rose Insurance, Turner Trans Lift, Absolute Speed & Marine, Brink Property Management, RaceTec Pistons, Parker Oil, Amsoil and Hot Rods & Hobbies!
Congratulations to all the winners and the teams that came out to support this event!
Here are your 2020 National Champions:
SCSC National Championship Livestream
Race Teams & fans with regards to the livestream of this weekend's races from Lake Ming, good news, bad news. Good news, Surfrat will be onsite filming the 2020 National Championships Presented by Nick Rose Insurance, Turner Trans Lift, Absolute Speed & Marine, Brink Property Mgmt, RaceTec Pistons, Parker Oil, Amsoil & Hot Rods & Hobbies. Now the bad news, after extensive testing onsite it was determined that there was no signal at the race site, so the decision was made to film the event and edit and post by Wednesday, October 7th on www.surfrat.tv Not what we had hoped for but best we can do under the circumstances.
Thanks for your support & understanding!
Ross Wallach, Race Director/President
Bakersfield Testing 10.2.20
Update 10.1.20
Racers, testing is a go for Friday at 10:00 a.m. See you there!
Please view the Schedule of Events for activities throughout the event.
Race Teams,
You previously asked for a Friday Test day at races, we have accommodated your request. However, as of today (Wednesday morning) we have 19 teams signed up testing on Friday.
So, if by noon on Thursday we don't have at least 35 teams signed up for testing we will scrap Friday testing and just have limited testing on Saturday morning prior to racing (max. 1 1/2 hours of total test time split between classes).
To sign up, please contact Jody Tepper at your earliest convenience - jodytepper@gmail.com or (818) 321-6754
SCSC U.S. National Championship Update 9.28.20
Race teams, we are now officially approved for the 2020 National Championships Presented by Nick Rose Insurance, Turner Trans Lift, Absolute Speed & Marine, Brink Property Management, RaceTec Pistons, Parker Oil, Amsoil and Hot Rods & Hobbies next weekend, October 2, 3 & 4 at Lake Ming! SCSC wishes to thank a fan, who wishes to remain anonymous, for their generous donation of $500. On behalf of the Board and the racers Thank you!
Please see the schedule of events below.
Sanctioned & Insured Testing will be on Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - $75/boat. Must pre-register for testing
Racing will be Saturday & Sunday. Saturday is the Nationals for Jr. & Sportsman Ltd. classes and Sunday is the Nationals for all Inboard classes. (Must pre-register for racing) - send registration form to jodytepper@gmail.com
The finalized COVID-19 Compliance Guidelines are below:
- Everyone, entering the event at the pit entrance gate, must submit to a non-contact temperature check prior to entry.
- By entering, each person confirms that they are not currently experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms and have not been recently exposed to the virus. You may be asked related health questions.
- No spectators allowed. SCSC staff, racers and crew only.
- Practice social distancing by maintaining a minimum 6-foot distance from others at all times possible.
- No gathering/loitering of peoples from unrelated racing crews.
- No gatherings allowed. All racer and club meetings and announcements will be delivered over PA system.
- All people onsite shall wear face coverings over their noses and mouths when not able to socially distance 6-feet from others. Only exception for face coverings are those under two years old or meet CDPH guidelines for exemption.
For all racers and pit crew:
- Electronic and cashless payments will be utilized as much as possible for event sign up and racing costs.
- Electronic online racing registration will be required for all pre-registration and encouraged for all registration even at event. Please pre-register with Jody Tepper - jodytepper@gmail.com before Thursday.
- Each race team will be allowed a maximum of 8 crew members, not including boat driver. Capsule boat will be allowed additional 4 people.
- Each boat shall designate a “Crew Chief” that manages their Covid-19 compliance, availability and use of PPE, and is responsible if crew found to not be compliant.
- Each Crew Chief is responsible to provide proper PPE to all of their members and confirm correct usage or be disqualified and removed from the event.
- SCSC will use the PA system to communicate on-site and supplement with signage and other communications.
- No gathering of peoples from unrelated racing crew.
- If they are working in the pit alone or with only members of their own household, they do not have to wear a face covering. If they are working with other people, even if it is only one additional person, we would still recommend a face covering be worn, as it is not likely that social distancing would be maintained the entire time and you are potentially risking prolonged contact without a face covering.
- No loitering outside of designated single boat pit area. No loitering on grass.
- No one allowed to enter SCSC Officials Area (Race HQ) except during registration.
- Preforming maintenance on racing equipment with other mechanics within 6-foot proximity masks and gloves must be worn.
- Minimize interactions between crew members when using tools and materials for race preparation. While maintain race vehicles, it is suggested to either wear gloves or routinely sanitize equipment and tools after single use.
- Require anyone in the crew to stay home it they are sick, experiencing symptoms, show a raised temperature, or have been exposed to someone who is showing symptoms.
- All crews to practice hygienic practices including not touching face with unwashed hands or with gloves, washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, use of sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, and cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects and surfaces such as work benches, tools, tool boxes.
For all SCSC Staff and Volunteer workers:
- All staff to wear gloves and mask as needed when not able to socially distance during required tasks.
- Staff to allow no racers or crew into designated SCSC staff only areas such as “Judges stand”.
- Staff to maintain a daily attendance log of all staff, racers, and crew.
- SCSC staff to stagger classes on each side launch ramps and racing schedule in line to enter water as to ensure easily able to keep 6 foot distancing between teams.
- Staff to require anyone in the staff to stay home it they are sick, experiencing symptoms, show a raised temperature, or have been exposed to someone who is showing symptoms
- Staff required hygienic practices including not touching face with unwashed hands or with gloves, washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, use of sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, and cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects and surfaces such as work benches, tools, equipment, etc.
Motorhome Guidelines:
- Motorhomes allowed only for pit crew use. No guest or camping of non pit crew.
- Only cohabitating persons sharing single living space may cohabitate motorhome.
- Motorhomes are allowed for race teams for those cohabitating occupants.
- Food preparation in motorhome only for those cohabitating occupants of the motorhome.
Additional Guidelines:
- No concessions or vendors allowed.
- Place wash stations or hand sanitizers in multiple locations to encourage hand hygiene.
- Maintain all restrooms stocked with cleansing products, paper goods as needed. Sanitize and clean restrooms frequently.
- Post in areas visible to all participants, required hygienic practices including not touching face with unwashed hands or with gloves, washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, use of sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, and cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects and surfaces such as work benches, tools, tool boxes.
SCSC U.S. National Championship Update 9.27.20
Some good news, the Kern County Dept. of Health representative responded to my email (sent Friday afternoon) late yesterday (Saturday) indicating that the COVID-19 Compliance plan that was resubmitted was finally approved. I still have a conference call with Kern County Parks & its agencies tomorrow at 11:30 a.m.
Race teams, we understand your frustration with this situation, we are frustrated as well but there's more going on than just the race and I'd like to take this opportunity to explain:
SCSC can't sustain a big financial hit, given that we've had no races (other than sanctioning the Burley Regatta) and while our expenses have continued, especially our annual racing insurance policy which we had to enact when SCSC sanctioned the Burley Regatta. coupled with the fact that we haven't had any races, especially Long Beach, which as most of you know plays a crucial part in keeping SCSC financially healthy, we need this race to happen. Sponsorships are down as well due to the fact we haven't had any races so that income that plays a vital role in helping SCSC hasn't been there and for Bakersfield, we hope our current sponsors will continue to support us.
Next, cancelling the Bakersfield race won't solve this financial issue as the club has already made two payments totally just under $10K and owes another two more prior to the end of the year so I/we are asking you to consider the financial ramification that club will be put in should we lose money producing the 2020 National Championships.
We know that the masks and other restrictions aren't ideal, far from it but at the end of the day we will be racing, with our family/friends (i.e.: crew members) and hopefully keep our sport alive. I can assure you that these restrictions continue into 2021, SCSC will plan to race elsewhere as three weeks ago, we had finalized approval and no restrictions other than no spectators.
Thanks for your consideration and understanding and I hope to see you at the races!
I will post the results of my conference call tomorrow.
Ross Wallach, Race Director/President
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